
Tooth & Claw

Created by Shanice Fagan

A zoologist's field guide to fantasy monsters

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Joint Shipping with Apothecaria
about 3 years ago – Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 04:18:20 PM

Since Anna Blackwell and I are helping each other out with fulfilment we've decided to offer joint shipping to people who've backed both Tooth & Claw and Apothecaria. This way we can be more environmentally friendly and should mean cheaper shipping costs! Win Win! The only issue with this option is that Anna plans to have Apothecaria finished before Tooth & Claw so if you select this option you'll have to wait for the last one finished. We'll try to have the option to bundle up your shipping in Backerkit. If this isn't possible we'll send out a survey.

We've Reached The Full Page Count!
about 3 years ago – Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 04:00:31 AM

We've managed to reach the full page limit InstantPrint has for a zine! That means Tooth & Claw will be a full 56 pages! I'm planning on having two to four pages per creature so the zine can now include at least 14 creatures!

Dungeon Creature Minizine Unlocked!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 03:08:58 AM

We've unlocked the Dungeon mini-zine! Similar to the entomology one this will be an A3 beak zine with eight A6 pages.

The creature contenders I have so far are:

- A mimic with many keratinous (Or chitinous if I got down the insect route) plates lined with iridophores   (the colour changing cells used by chameleons and cephalopods). The plates grow quickly  and the creature gnaws them into shapes that interlock into what it's trying to mimic. They can be revealed by startling them as adrelaline causes the colour changing cells to react and flare bright to scare off would be predators who haven't fallen for their ruse.

- Dungeon slimes based on slime moulds

- A sort of primate inspired by goblins and orcs which hangs out in deep dark places and uses bioluminescence to trick its prey into thinking they're moving towards sunlight.

Stretch Goals Unlocked
about 3 years ago – Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 09:22:08 AM

Thanks to all you awesome people out there we've blasted through the stretch goals and unlocked 12 more pages and the entomology mini zine!

The mini zine will likely feature between 3 and 6 insect inspired creatures (Depending on how much detail I feel I need for each one). These will have quite a focus on utility so your adventurers can get creative with their environment.

Since it's going so well I have some more stretch goals!

At £1500 I'll create another mini zine similar to the entomology one focusing on Dungeon Creatures! It's going to be a fun challenge to justify how a mimic could evolve!

At £2000 I'll collaborate with Anna Blackwell to create quest hooks for use in stories and RPGs featuring the creatures in Tooth & Claw. These will be available as a PDF to all backers.

At £3000 I'll be able to make these as more than just a hobby and will release a second zine with at least 24 pages which goes in depth on specifically aquatic creatures taking inspiration from games like Subnautica (And to be honest, the underwater world is weird enough in real life!).

If we unlock these I might have to think up some more!

Fully Funded!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 05:14:22 AM

Wow guys! Thank you! We're fully funded in less than an hour! I can't believe the enthusiasm!